On FPF # 278, I discuss a vote advancing to a debate on Senate Joint Resolution 54, a War Powers bill that will end the US support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen. The vote passed 63-37, all the nays were Republicans. Saudi Arabia's genocidal war against the people of Yemen has 14 million people on the brink of famine. Ending the US support for Saudi Arabia is essential for ending the humanitarian crisis.
On FPF #277, I discuss recent events that resulted in Ukraine declaring Martial Law. Ukrainian ships attempted to navigate Russian waters without following procedures established by Russia. Russian ships rammed a Ukrainian tugboat and fired on two other Ukrainian ships. No one was killed and Russia seized the three ships.
Support S J Res 54
On FPF #276, I discuss the Korean Peace Process. North and South Korean soldiers shook hands and engaged in a friendly conversation across the DMZ. The soldiers are working on a road reconnecting North and South Korea.
While Koreans continue to move towards peace, the American establishment is attempting to slow it. A recent article by David Sanger claimed Trump is being played by Kim Jong-un. I review articles by Gareth Porter, Tim Shorrock, and Peter Van Buren that debunk the Sanger article.
Pete 'Mance Rayder' Raymond returns to the show to discuss spreading the antiwar message in the face of censorship. Podcasts are an unregulated medium to spread the message. However, tech companies (Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, Google) are cracking down on nonmainstream messages and deepening their ties with the government. Pete explains how we can continue to spread the message without using platforms that will censor the message. Pete highlights the benefits of a new social network Minds.Com.
Pete Raymond has formerly gone by the alias Mance Rayder. He is the host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall Podcast. Pete the author of two books The Kids are Not All Right and Freedom Through Memedom.
Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast #152 - Scott Horton & Angela Keaton
Will Porter returns to FPF to discuss Trump's statement on the Khashoggi murder. The statement is critical of Iran and highlights the benefits of maintaining the US/Saudi relationship status quo. Will breaks down the statement and debunks Trump's lies.
A recent Wall Street Journal examines John Bolton's influence over Trump's foreign policy. We give our analysis on Bolton's policies on Iran, North Korea, and Russia.
Will Porter is a freelance journalist. His work has been published in Consortium News, Antiwar.Com, and The Libertarian Institute.
On FPF #273, I discuss the US policy in Syria. US envoy to the Syrian conflict James Jeffery recently gave a press conference on the US goals. I explain the myths the US government believes in that leads to unrealistic goals.
On FPF #272, I discuss the House killing a bill that would invoke the War Powers Act to bring the US support for the genocidal Yemen War to an end. The House attached a sentence to a bill about grey wolves to strip the Yemen bill of its privilege to be brought to a vote. I explain what the US role in the war is and how Yemenis would be better off if the US ended support for the Saudi led coalition.
I also break down the US drone war in Yemen.
Scott Horton Show - Martha Mundy
On FPF #271, Joanne Leon joins the show to discuss the antiwar movement and the Democratic Party. Joanne gives a recent history of the Democratic Party and the divisions within the party. Joanne explains who is who in the party and what factions of the party may be allies with the antiwar movement. Joanne and Kyle review the midterm election results on the left side of the aisle and the firing of Jeff Sessions.
Joanne is the host of the Around the Empire Podcast.
On FPF #270, I discuss how Veterans Day is used to celebrate war. Veterans Day started as Armistice Day to celebrate the end of WWI. I argue Veterans Day has become a day to promote wars and is not about helping vets.
I update the US role in the War in Yemen. The US has announced an end to the mid-air refueling of Saudi bomber. The US Congress is pushing bills to end the US assistance to Saudi Arabia.
On FPF #269, I discuss how the destructive US foreign policy was not an issue on election night. The US foreign policy is the most harmful for the American people. US interventionism is extremely costly and damaging to the Americans who enact it. The policy does not enrich Americans or improve the lives of people around the world. However, a significant American election will have little impact on how the US empire believes overseas.
On FPF #268, I discuss the 2018 Midterm Elections. I explain why I did not vote. Little of the debate in the leadup to the midterms has been on what US foreign policy. Most of Congress takes no interest in wars and ignore their Constitutional duties. I look at some issues that could be impacted by the midterm elections.
On FPF #267, Brian Saady returns to discuss Venezuela. Brian explains the rise of Chavez and the Communist government. He reviews the opposition to the Communist government. We talk about the current state of Venezuela and Trump's Venezuela policy.
Brian Saady is the author of Rackets and the host of Rackets Podcast. Brian's books and podcast can be found at his website BrianSaady.com. His articles have been published at AntiWar.com and The American Conservative.
On FPF #266, I discuss how the US wars in Syria, Afghanistan, and Libya are failing. In Syria, NATO member state Turkey is attacking the US-backed Syrian Kurds. The Syrian Kurds have now abandoned their fight against ISIS. In Afghanistan, over half the people live in districts controlled or contested by the Taliban. In Libya, ISIS is mounting successful attacks against the US-backed government.