On FPF #413, I discuss the importance of international watchdog groups, the OPCW [chemical weapons] and IAEA [nuclear technology]. Two whistleblowers have come out and exposed lies and misleading information in the OPCW's report on the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma. One critical report released by a whistleblower showed the suspected scene of the chemical weapons attack was staged. The IAEA just selected a new head that is backed by the US. The IAEA fills important roles like inspecting and certifying the Iran Nuclear Deal.
On FPF #412, I break down the death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi. Baghdadi is reported to have killed himself - and three of his children - after being cornered by US forces. I discuss what his death means for the future of ISIS. Trump gave a speech announcing Baghdadi's death. I examine some of the highlights from the speech.
Phil Gibson returns to the show to talk about Trump's Syria speech and cryptos. Trump said the ceasefire the US created along the Turkish/Syrian border has become permanent and the US is to thank for the new peace in the region. Phil and Kyle explain how other forces are working to stabilize a region that is in part in chaos because of endless American wars. In his speech, Trump signaled his opposition to America being the world policemen and the forever wars. However, he also said some American troops will remain in eastern Syria to guard the oil.
On FPF #410, I discuss Hillary Clinton's suggestion that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent out to undermine the DNC by running the third party. In Tulsi's brilliant response, she addressed Hillary as "Queen of the warmongers." Tulsi's decision to take the gloves off and go after Clinton's war hawk record is essential. The conflict could help Tulsi's candidacy and bring her message of 'ending the wars' to the spotlight.
Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in clashes between India and Pakistan. [Link]
On FPF #409, I cover Assange, Afghanistan, and Syria. Assange's legal team requested an extension on his extradition hearing date. Assange is locked in solitary confinement at a UK prison with limited access to his legal team.
Secretary of Defense Esper traveled to Afghanistan, possibly on the mission of restarting talks with the Taliban. Esper said the US could reduce US troops levels from 14,000 to 8,600 without impacting counter-terrorism operations.
The ceasefire continues to hold in northern Syria as some US troops exit Syria into western Iraq. The troops remain in western Iraq to fight ISIS. Trump is now considering keeping 200 troops in eastern Syria to keep oil fields from Assad's control.
US News
On FPF $408, Will Porter returns to the show to update what is happening in Syria. There is a lot of conflicting reports about what is happening in Syria. Will dives into all the rumors and explains what is the actual situation in Syria.
Will and Kyle discuss Trump's decision to leave Syria. Trump has received nearly universal condemnation from the establishment. However, he did make the correct choice in taking US troops out of harm's way. Will and Kyle look at the bills taken up in Congress that object to Trump's move.
On FPF #407, I discuss the impact of US weapons is having around the world. In FY2019 the US sold over $54 billion in weapons. Some of those weapons aided the slaughter of Yemen. In a recent article, Stu Smallwood highlights how US F-35 sales to South Korea are harming the Korean peace process. For years, the US gave weapons to the Syrian Kurds. Now, the US-NATO allies Turkey are fighting against the US-armed Syrian Kurds.
Foreign Policy Focus and Around the Empire's latest swapcast covers the borg's meltdown because some US troops are leaving Syria. Joanne and Kyle recap what has happened in the past two weeks in Syria. The US announced pulling some troops from the Turkey/Syria border. In response, Turkey carried out its long-threatened invasion of Syrian Kurdistan. The Syrian Kurds then cut a deal with Assad, brokered by Russia, to move in and prevent the Turkish invasion. Trump finally announced all US troops in northeast Syria are withdrawing.
The foreign policy establishment has condemned the move by Trump as betraying the Kurds and helping ISIS. The borg has failed to accept any responsibility for the position of the Kurd. It was Obama's establishment-approved Syria policy that created the problem for the Kurds to begin with.
On FPF #405, I discuss the country's nearly $1 trillion dollar deficit in 2019. The US war state continues to spend massive amounts of money as the country drowns in debt. I explain that the money on the military is waster and is harming the living standards of Americans. I also look at the role of the FED in hiding the true cost of the war state.
Show Notes
Out of Money
US News
On FPF #404, I discuss several protests movements and peace talks happening around the world. The US talks with North Korea fell apart. According to the North Koreans, it is because the US isn't offering anything new. The US also spoke with the Taliban in Pakistan. Pakistan is hoping to revive talks to end the Afghan War after Trump declared they were dead. In Ukraine, it appears the new president is looking for a path to peace and says he will enter four-party talks.
In Hong Kong, the government is enacting emergency powers in an attempt to curb the protest movement. The government banned masks as violent clashes with the government continue. Anti-government protests in Iraq have left over 100 people dead. In Egypt, the dictator al-Sisi continues to round up those who protest against him. So far over 2,000 have been arrested. President Marino in Ecuador has also rounded up hundreds of protesters. The protesters there are demanding he undoes a $2 billion austerity deal.
Show Notes
On FPF #403, I discuss some of the recent Houthi victories over Saudi Arabia. Saudi has been waging a brutal air and starvation war against Yemen for four years. The Houthi, likely, retaliated by major strikes against Saudi oil facilities. Recently, the Houthis claimed to have captured nearly 2,000 Saudi soldiers. I explain what likely happened in the Houthi successful raid against Saudi forces.