Will Porter joins Foreign Policy Focus to analyze foreign policy in 2017. We review all the big stories from Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Africa, and North Korea. Will and I break down Trump's first year as Commander in chief and biggest blunders. We discuss the media's lack of critical coverage of Trump's foreign policy. Then, we give some big stories to watch in 2018.
Muhammad Sahimi on the Iran deal [Link]
On FPF #135, I discuss the big news from over the Christmas weekend. Saudi Arabia is increasing airstrikes in Yemen. Saudi airstrikes killed at least 70 civilians on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The US announced, under the cover of Christmas, that the US would begin supplying Ukraine with lethal weapons. I examine the article Scott Ritter released of his analysis of Nikki Haley claim that Iran is supplying missiles to the Houthi.
Will Porter returns to Foreign Policy Focus to discuss Trump's National Security Strategy. In the report, Trump lays out his plan to secure America. Trump calls for lots of interventions around the world. Trump mentions China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran by name as threats to America. Will helps me explain how Trump's policy is more of the same and it will fail in creating a safer world for Americans. Will also assists is debunking some of the worst lies in the NSS.
On FPF #133, Biran Saady comes on the show to discuss the drug war and how it devastates Mexico. Brian explains how the American drug habit creates a $100 billion black market for deadly cartels to get rich on. Brian describes how the cartels influence Mexican politics, media, and police. Brian focuses on the impact of the drug war on Mexican citizens.
Brian is a freelance writer and he has been published in the American Conservative, The Libertarian Insitute, and The Mises Institute. Brian is the author of several books including America's Drug War is Devastating Mexico and The Drug War: A Trillion Dollar Con Game. Brian's website, Twitter, and Facebook.
On FPF #132, I discuss the Yemen war at 1,000 days. Iona Craig is now working on a Yemen database revealing key stats about Saudi's war in Yemen. I explain how US Amb to the UN Nikki Haley is trying to provoke a war with Iran. I talk about the US sharing intelligence with Russia to prevent a terror attack. I also update North Korea, Libya, and Egypt.
On FPF #131, I address several claims of Russian Aggression. I refute a tweet from Mitt Romney. I explain how the Crimea crisis started with a US coup. I detail how Russia was welcomed into Syria, and the US continues to stay in the country without an invitation. I talk about Putin's trip to the Muslim world. I also update Yemen and North Korea.
On FPF #130, Will Porter returns to the show to discuss his new article on Yemen and the situation in Israel. Will's article explains how deaths in Yemen have been undercounted during the Saudi/US war against Yemen. Will talked with several sources to gain a better understanding of the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Will also discussed the NY subway terror attack and how that it was blowback from Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
On FPF #129, I take questions for the first Q and A show. I answer questions on Yemen, Trump, and Israel. I explain Trump's possible reasons for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. I also discuss CNN's fake bombshell report on a connection between Wikileaks and the Trump Campaign.
On FPF #128, I discuss the execution of Daniel Shaver by police officer Phillip Brailsford. The shooting occurred in January 2016 and Brailsford has been acquitted by a jury of all charges. A judge finally allowed the body cam footage to the public. I react to the video and give some analysis. I also explain how America's are not holding out military and police to a high enough moral standard.
On FPF #127, I look at current events from the perspective of people in other countries. I explain how US war games create fear among North Koreas. I describe how the US moving of the US Embassy in Israel impacts the Palestinians. I update Lebanon's Prime Minister Hariri announcing his resending of his resignation and how the could delegitimize him in the eyes of the Lebanese people. I also detail how the current US occupation of Syria could upset the Syrian people.
On FPF #126, I discuss three states were Hillary Clinton played a large role in the direction of the country's future while she was Secretary of State. In Honduras, Hillary Clinton gave legitimacy to a military coup and helped elected a leader against the will of the Honduran people. A recent election stoled by a president supported by Hillary Clinton lead to protests. The protesters are being suppressed by forces trained by the US. In Yemen, a one-man election organized by Hillary Clinton set off a chain of events leading to civil war and famine. Recent fighting has lead to the split of the Houthi/Salah alliance and the death of the former president of Yemen Salah. In Libya, Hillary Clinton pushed for war against the Libyan leader Gaddafi. The death of Gaddafi led to a failed state in Libya. Competing government in Liyba are weaponizing rape and salves are openly sold.
On FPF #125, I explain the recurring failure of US foreign policy through the lens of the massacre in Bariire. In the missions that lead to the massacre, the SEALs allied themselves with former al-Shabaab fighters and used a translator know for giving false information. The SEALs failed to understand the local politics and warring tribes complicated the situation on the ground. In the end, the mission ended in a massacre, and a terror attack in October is possible blowback. These are just a few of the several reasons this mission, like all COIN operations, failed. Daily Beast Article.
On FPF #124, I discuss North Korea's recent missile test and events around Africa. I give the details and some analysis of Nort Korea's missile test. I also discuss the reaction from world leaders. I examine the situation In Zimbabwe, a new president has been sworn in after the coup. I look at a new Kenyan president being sworn in. I also update Egypt's Saini massacre, Marcon's trip to West Africa and Nigeria.
On FPF #123, I smackdown two articles published in the New York Times. The first article I take on is Thomas Freidman's love letter to MBS. I explain how Freidman is so enchanted by MBS he ignores MBS's crimes. The second article examines if anyone is committing war crimes in Yemen. In this article, the NYT hides Saudi and US war crimes in Yemen.
Will Porter returns to Foreign Policy Focus to cover the fall of ISIS. This episode is the second in a two-part series on the rise and fall of ISIS, the first show can be found here. In this part of the series, Will details how the US and Russia became involved in Syria. Will covers the liberation of Mosul and Raqqa. Will explains how the War against ISIS has impacted the Syrian Civil War. Will also gives analysis on what to expect now that the caliphate is dead.
On FPF #121, I guide you through foreign policy discussions at Thanksgiving dinner. I identify the important players in ongoing wars. I debunk common myths people believe about US wars. I also give talking points to help you simply explain complex geopolitics issues.
On FPF #120, I look at the 60 Minutes segment on Yemen. The segment was one of the first times the crisis and war in Yemen has gained MSM attention. The 60 Minutes crew was denied access to Yemen by Saudi Arabia. The segment has several problems that I address. I also update Lebanon, Turkey, and Zimbabwe.
On FPF #119, I discuss the coup to remove Robert Mugabe as president of Zimbabwe. The military commander behind the coup has insisted that this is not a coup. The former Vice President is poised to take power as the 93-year-old Mugabe is ousted. The AU and UN have said they are looking for a peaceful transition of power. I also update the imprisonment of Lebanon's Prime Minister, the Afghan opium market, and North Korea.
FPF#118, I look at the future of the Syrian Civil War. Al-Qaeda continues to control territory in Idlib Syria. Israel is threatening to attack Iranian or Hezbollah targets in Syria. Turkey is threatening to attack the Syrian Kurds. Assad restated his goal to control all of Syria. The US plans to stay to prevent any future ISIS 2.0 from popping up. I also update North Korea, Yemen, Libya, and Zimbabwe.
On FPF #117, I discuss Trump's trip to Asia. In South Korea, Trump pushed missile defense and weapon sales. In the Philippines, Trump met with Putin and pushed for more weapon sales. Trump rounded out the trip in the Philippines. I also update Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Africa.
On FPF #116, I update the geopolitical mess in Arabia and the Levant. In Yemen, the US now blames Iran for supplying the Houthi with the missile that targeted Saudi Arabia. The Lebanon Prime Minister remains under house arrest in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince bin Salman continues to arrest officials and princes on corruption charges. I also update Catalonia, Russiagate, and ISIS.
Will Porter returns to FPF for ep. 115. Will discuss the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Will starts with the origins and founders of the group that would one day declare a caliphate. Will analyzes the US role in Iraq, Libya, and Syria led to the rise of IS. Will then explains the narrative of IS as it reaches its peak and anti-ISIS coalitions start to build.
This is part one of a two-part series of the rise and fall of ISIS.
Will Porter is a journalist and commentator with a focus on U.S. foreign policy and Mid East affairs.
His freelance work can be found at the Libertarian Institute and Antiwar.com.
The Redline and the Rat Line [Link]
2012 DIA memo [Link]
Press report of U.S. weapons in militant hands [Link] [Link]
On FPF #114, I discuss all the news from a significant foreign policy weekend. Yemen shoot a ballistic missile at Saudi's capital. Lebanon's Prime Minister resigned. Saudi's Crown Prince arrested several members of Saudi's royal family. Shortly after, several high ranking Saudi officials were killed in a helicopter crash. The Catalan President has also turned himself into Belgian authorities.
Further reading
Lebanon Prime Minister Resigns
On FPF #113, I look at some recent wins for the empire. The empire makes a significant gain by getting Nigerien government permission to carry out drone strikes in Niger. A new lie linking Iran to al-Qaeda will help the empire win US support for war with Iran. The House also killed H.Con.Res 81, preventing an end to the war in Yemen.
On FPF #112, I give my initial thoughts on the terror attack in NYC. I also cover the other important news of the day. Iran has self-limited their ballistic missile range to 2000 km. Mattis and Tillerson tell Congress that the 2001 AUMF allows for war in Africa. In Iraq, the central government looks to end Kurdish autonomy. I also update H.Con.Res 81, Syria, and Lebanon.