Scott Horton returns to Foreign Policy Focus to discuss the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Scott breaks down Iraqi Shia politics and how the recent Iraqi election played out. Scott explains the connections between the Shia leaders, Iran, and the US.
Scott also updates the status of the war in Afghanistan. Scott demonstrates the futility of the war and why the US policy continues to fail.
Scott Horton is the Managing Director of The Libertarian Institute, View Points Editor at, and host of the Scott Horton Show. Scott is the author of Fools Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan.
On FPF #199, joins the show Antony Sammeroff discusses the nature of war. Antony presents his views through the libertarian philosophy. During the show, Antony explains the morality of war and the impacts of the war at home.
Antony Sammeroff is the host of the Scottish Liberty Podcast and the Be Yourself and Love It Podcast. Antony is the author of Procrastination Annihilation.
Scottish Liberty Podcast - War on Syria is a War on Freedom, Not Terror
On FPF #198, I discuss the 12 demands the US gave Iran in a speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Many of the demands are based on false information or where agreed to in the JCPOA. Other demands require Iran to completely dissolve Iranian sovereignty. I show how Iran is not the enemy that Mike Pompeo claims them to be.
On FPF #197, I discuss John Bolton's plan for North Korea to undergo Libyan style denuclearization. In December 2003 Libya quickly gave up a nuclear weapons program. In 2011, NATO, led by the US, went to war with Libya. The war was based on myths pushed by Hillary Clinton. The war ended in the brutal killing of Libyan Leader Gadaffi forces that included al-Qaeda.
The Trump Administration has announced it will place strict sanctions on Venezuela and Iran. I explain the dangers of Trump believing his maximum pressure campaign led to North Korea's offer to denuclearize.
On FPF #196, I discuss a young Palestinian in Gaza setting himself on fire and the confirmation of Gina Haspel as CIA Director. The Israeli government, with the help of the US government, has created one of the worst situations in the world for the people who live in Gaza. The Senate confirmed Gina Haspel, who has an extensive involvement with the torture program. I also update Syria, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia.
On FPF #195, I discuss new offensives in Afghanistan and Yemen. In Afghanistan, the Taliban have begun their Spring Offensive. The Taliban killed over 100 Afghan soldiers in a week and seized two district headquarters. In Yemen, Saudi backed forces started an offensive towards the Port of Hodeida. Humanitarian organizations have repeatedly warned that a battle for the port will lead to famine in Yemen. I also update Iran, North Korea, and Iraq.
Will Porter returns to Foreign Policy Focus to discuss the Nakba and the protests in Gaza. Will gives the historical background for the Great Return March Protests. We discuss the Israeli reaction to the protest and review the morality of using lethal force against the protesters.
Ramsey Baroud on the Right of Return
On FPF #193, I briefly cover the US interventions in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
US Interventions
On FPF #192, I discuss Gina Haspel's nomination to become CIA Director and the new AUMF bill. Ray McGovern heroically stood up at a hearing with Gina Haspel to recount her history of torture. I look at the proposed AUMF and Senator Rand Paul's warning it gives the president ultimate war powers. I also discuss North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Afghanistan.
On FPF #191, I breakdown Trump's announcement that the US is withdrawing from the JCPOA.
FPF #190 - Will Trump Leave the Iran Deal?
Pat Buchanan explains why it is a terrible idea to leave the Iran Nuke Deal
On FPF #190, I look at Trump's coming decision on the Iran Nuclear Agreement. Trump has called the agreement the "worst deal ever." I explain the options for European countries and Iran if Trump decides to leave the deal. I discuss the consequences leaving the deal for Israel, Syria, and North Korea. I also update Haspel's nomination, Gaza, and Yemen.
On FPF #189, I debunk the myth of Russian Aggression. Western leaders continue to push the narrative that revisionist powers are looking to destroy the world order and are a threat to the people in the West. By providing disinformation about Crimea, Syria, and chemical weapons, people are tricked into believing Russia is a threat. I set the record on all of these matters. I also update Libya, Afghanistan, Niger, and Yemen.
FPF #184 - Expanding NATO to Ukraine
Scott Horton Show - Ted Snider
On FPF #188, I look at the relationship between Iran and Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a talk claiming to have proof Iran is in violation of the nuclear deal. Israel has bombed several Iranian targets in Syria. I examine the impact these developments will have on the US policy for Iran with the recertification of the Iran Nuclear Agreement looming. I also discuss the VA and North Korea.