On FPF #126, I discuss three states were Hillary Clinton played a large role in the direction of the country's future while she was Secretary of State. In Honduras, Hillary Clinton gave legitimacy to a military coup and helped elected a leader against the will of the Honduran people. A recent election stoled by a president supported by Hillary Clinton lead to protests. The protesters are being suppressed by forces trained by the US. In Yemen, a one-man election organized by Hillary Clinton set off a chain of events leading to civil war and famine. Recent fighting has lead to the split of the Houthi/Salah alliance and the death of the former president of Yemen Salah. In Libya, Hillary Clinton pushed for war against the Libyan leader Gaddafi. The death of Gaddafi led to a failed state in Libya. Competing government in Liyba are weaponizing rape and salves are openly sold.